What does the EU GDPR serve?

What does the EU GDPR serve, and who/ where does the GDPR apply? GDPR Rep digs into the details.

What does the EU GDPR serve?
What does the EU GDPR serve?
Clive Mackintosh
September 12, 2023

The EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) serves to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, particularly their right to privacy, with respect to the processing of personal data. It does this by establishing a framework for the lawful processing of personal data, and by giving individuals certain rights over their personal data.

The GDPR applies to all organisations that process personal data of individuals in the EU, regardless of where the organization is located. This means that even organisations outside of the EU must comply with the GDPR if they process personal data of individuals in the EU. In this blog, Clive Mackintosh, Founder of GDPR Rep, experts in GDPR Representative services explains the key requirements of the EU GDPR.

The GDPR sets out a number of key requirements for organisations that process personal data, including:

  • Obtaining consent from individuals before processing their personal data
  • Only processing personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes
  • Keeping personal data only for as long as necessary
  • Taking appropriate security measures to protect personal data
  • Allowing individuals to access their personal data and to have it corrected or
  • Notifying individuals of data breaches

The GDPR also introduces a number of new rights for individuals, including the right to:

  • Be informed about how their personal data is being processed
  • Object to the processing of their personal data
  • Restrict the processing of their personal data
  • Port their personal data to another organization
  • Withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data

The GDPR is a complex piece of legislation, but it is designed to protect the privacy of individuals and to give them more control over their personal data. If you are an organisation that processes personal data, it is important to understand the GDPR and to put in place measures to comply with it.

Here are some of the benefits of the EU GDPR:

  • It gives individuals more control over their personal data.
  • It makes organizations more accountable for the way they handle personal data.
  • It helps to create a more level playing field for businesses operating in the EU.
  • It promotes innovation and competition in the digital economy.
  • It protects the privacy of individuals in the EU and around the world.

The EU GDPR is a significant piece of legislation that has had a major impact on the way organisations handle the personal data of EU citizens. It is important for
organisations to understand the GDPR and to put in place measures to comply with it. If you are looking into how your organisation can fulfil its requirements why not schedule a no-commitment call with a GDPR representative expert today, or get a quote to understand how our value pricing makes compliance simple.

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