GDPR Rep Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions on GDPR Representation answered. Can't see what you are looking for? Speak to an expert today.

Why does your business need to be GDPR compliant?

You will be breaking the law and risk exposure to substantial monetary fines and other sanctions if you process the personal data of individuals in either the EU or the UK (by offering goods or services) and don’t have an establishment presence in either jurisdiction.

What businesses does the UK GDPR apply to?

You will be breaking the law and risk exposure to substantial monetary fines and other sanctions if you process the personal data of individuals in either the EU or the UK (by offering goods or services) and don’t have an establishment presence in either jurisdiction.

What businesses does the EU GDPR apply to?

The EU GDPR applies to any form of business that does not have an establishment base in either one or more of the 27 member states and offers goods or services to individuals’ resident in the EU.

What does a GDPR Representative do?

We ensure that you fulfil all your Article 27 requirements. This includes acting as your point of contact for all EU and UK based customers and data subjects. Acting as your point of liaison with all Supervising Authorities. Assisting you in the handling of data subject enquiries and required notification of any data breach. Retaining your Record of Processing Activities (ROPA) and making this available (on request) to your customers, data subjects and any Supervising Authority.

What experience does the GDPR Rep team have?

We have over 30 years of experience, advising, representing and assisting clients with data protection compliance, governance and risk.

What makes GDPR Rep different?

All our staff are qualified lawyers and subject matter experts in data protection, information governance, cyber security and the GDPR.